Manufacturer of Valves for heating thermostatic and manual
Valves for heating produced with certified Italian materials and a high quality / price ratio. Fornara heating line components guarantee high performance and reliability over time. The large availability of accessories, diameters and types of connections completes the line and makes them suitable for numerous applications in the civil and industrial sectors.
Manufacturer of Valves for heating thermostatic and manual
Valves for heating produced with certified Italian materials and a high quality / price ratio. Fornara heating line components guarantee high performance and reliability over time. The large availability of accessories, diameters and types of connections completes the line and makes them suitable for numerous applications in the civil and industrial sectors.
Valves for heating
The valve and lockshield combination is installed at the inlet and outlet of each radiator to adequately regulate the amount of hot water that passes through the element and then regulate its temperature.
The valves are installed at the radiator inlet and regulate the flow of incoming hot water thanks to a headwork mechanism operated by a manually rotatable knob. If the knob is completely closed, the radiator is completely excluded from the circuit and becomes cold, if the knob is completely open the radiator instead receives the maximum inflow of hot water and thus reaches the maximum temperature allowed by the system.
Instead, the lockshields are installed at the outlet of each radiator and allow the flow of water to be reduced also at the outlet. Their main function is to close the radiator completely to allow easy replacement, but they can also be used to partially close the radiator outlet and thus reduce its maximum flow rate: in this way, even with the inlet knob fully open, the radiator will no longer have a complete inflow of hot water but only partial, useful case for example there are several radiators in the same room and it makes more sense to portion the maximum temperature that can be reached by each and therefore also the room in which they are installed.
The lockshield closes thanks to an headwork that restricts the passage of water until it closes completely.
Sizes and formats
Numerous combinations of
- diameters: ½ and ⅜ of an inch
- types of connections: iron and copper pipes, multilayer pipes
- solutions for straight and angle attachment
- different reduction kits
Thermostatic valves and energy saving
The thermostatic valves allow you to reach and maintain a certain stable temperature within an environment, automatically adjusting the flow of hot water in the radiators. Their use allows significant energy savings, to the point that their installation has become mandatory since 31 December 2017 in all condominiums in Italy that have central heating.
Installation and operation of thermostatic valves
Thermostatic valves are installed on each individual radiator and vary the flow of hot water that circulates inside them based on the temperature of the environment. When the ambient temperature is lower than that set on the valve head, the valve opens the duct and lets hot water enter the radiator. As the ambient temperature reaches the desired one, the valve decreases the flow of hot water into the radiator, until it completely blocks the flow when the ambient temperature has reached the desired level. At that point the radiator temperature drops until it becomes cold. Finally, when the room temperature drops and falls below the desired threshold, the valve gradually reopens.
Head adjustment and operation
Thermostatic valves are composed of a valve body and a thermostatic head, with a graduated scale from 0 to 5. By setting the head to 0, the valve will always remain closed, while at the maximum value of 5 it will always remain completely open.
Inside, the thermostatic head has a thermosensitive fluid (called liquid sensor), which, depending on the ambient temperature, will contract or expand by acting on a piston, the piston closes or opens a calibrated orifice that will allow the hot water to pass or not inside the radiator. To adjust the desired temperature, just turn the knob on the graduated scale to the desired temperature level and the valve will portion the passage of hot water into the radiator until it reaches and maintains the desired temperature in the room.
How much do you save?
The regulation of the valve is very important to obtain an effective saving, the valve should ideally be kept in a constant position, the one considered most suitable, while it is totally wrong for the purpose of saving to open it when it is cold and close it when it is hot (this consumes much more and creates thermal changes in the room).
By adequately setting the temperatures of the different environments and eliminating excessive heating for the environments that do not require it, it is possible to save not only fuel but also carbon dioxide released into the environment. General estimates indicate that a decrease of one degree centigrade in temperature inside a medium-sized apartment leads to a saving of about 5% on the annual bill.
Main advantages
- Available in normal and chrome finish and with tamper evident system for open places
- High precision of liquid probes in temperature detection
Valvole ad H diritte e a squadra
Le valvole ad H per il riscaldamento ambienti vengono utilizzate in tutti quei casi in cui entrambi i tubi di ingresso e uscita dell’acqua calda arrivano dal basso (dal muro oppure dal pavimento). In questi casi occorre particolare tipo di radiatore al cui interno è presente un condotto che collega l’ingresso dell’acqua calda, situato in basso, con la valvola di regolazione che si trova invece in cima al radiatore.
La linea Fornara di Valvole ad H è disponibile in due modelli con numerose varianti: componenti diritti, per tubi che arrivano dal pavimento, e a squadra, per tubi che arrivano dal muro. I flussi di ingresso e uscita su queste valvole sono regolabili ciascuno mediante una valvola a sfera con comando a vite.
Varianti con bypass o invertitore
Sono disponibili inoltre particolari varianti dotate di meccanismo di bypass, che permette di trasformare la valvola da bitubo a monotubo (per un altro tipo di caloriferi), o modelli dotati di invertitore maschio-femmina con vitoncini che permette di invertire i flussi in quelle situazioni in cui i tubi di ingresso e uscita per il radiatore siano stati installati per errore invertiti tra loro, evitando così un intervento molto più invasivo per spostare i tubi.
Principali vantaggi
- Grande varietà di formati dritti e a squadra e di raccordi
- Disponibilità di adattatori e codolo telescopico con guarnizioni o-ring per casi particolari
- Modelli con bypass o invertitore permettono un grande risparmio di tempo e costi di manutenzione per situazioni problematiche
Sizes and formats
- diametri: ¾ di pollice con versioni diritte o a squadra
- tipologie di attacco: attacco eurocono o versione piana
- disponibili modelli con attacco con calotta libera
- disponibili kit adattatori